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Pickleball Meeting Minutes 2-6-2025
LITL Pickleball League
Winter 2025 Season Meeting
Thursday, February 6, 2025
At Country Club of Birmingham’s Tennis Shop

The Pickleball Division Coordinator, Janet Simonetti called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. In attendance were Heather Morgan representing CCB, Kim Hobbs representing CCB-Keel, Sally McClanahan representing Inverness and LITL Exec Board, and Nancy Pratt representing PineTree CC.

Janet presented the Minutes from the November 18, 2024 meeting. Janet moved and Heather seconded that the November 18, 2024 Meeting Minutes should be approved. The motion passed.

Pickleball League New Business

Match Balls

Presently, the home team must provide new or used balls that meet the USA Pickleball Official Specification found in the USA Pickleball Official Rulebook at

It was proposed by Heather that Match Balls will be new and meet the requirements of USPA. The proposal was approved.

The home team will provide two (2) new balls for each court. Balls must meet the USA Pickleball Official Specification found in the USA Pickleball Official Rulebook at

Match Start Time

Presently, when the host (Home) team does not have 3 courts players must feed-in.

It was presented at the meeting by Heather that feed in start time has become an issue since the league decided to have matches scoring each set to 21. The following rule was proposed and accepted.

Facilities with fewer than 3 courts must first ask the visiting team if they can provide the additional courts needed to ensure the match start time is honored. If the visiting team’s courts are not available, then the home team may offer additional dates to accommodate those courts or both captains may agree to a later start time for some courts to allow them to feed in at the home facility. Consideration should be given to accommodate players when rescheduling (whether to a new date or a later start time) or relocating the match (to the Visitor’s Facility). Note: Any court can be asked to travel or reschedule both captains and players should agree.

Meeting Discussion

*The PB League needs a better marketing strategy. Meeting attendees were asked to contact friends and family for more ideas regarding participation.

Ideas to note: Facilities do not need stand alone PB courts to participate. Facilities do not need to field tennis teams to participate in the LITL Pickleball League.

*PB League Rule of conduct will continue to be governed by the LITL Rules but a Guideline should be developed to clarify rules that are Pickleball specific. A “Draft” Guideline is attached for approval to be distributed to team captains.

Meeting Adjourned

2:00 the meeting was adjourned.