Spring 2021 Meeting Minutes
Spring Meeting Via ZOOM
Monday, February 22, 2021
President, Tammy Schoel was unable to connect to the Zoom Meeting. Annemarie Wilson acted as President in Tammy’s absence and called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Annemarie Wilson called the roll. The clubs not in attendance were:
Annemarie and Deborah Standifer gave the scheduling report. There are 49 teams registered for Spring. The 4.0 teams will begin a week early on Friday, March 5. All other teams will begin the week of March 8th. The 5.0A teams may be playing some of the same teams twice. This was done to promote a more level play because there is a big discrepancy between the skill level of the 5.0 teams.
Greystone Country Club is under renovation. Captains should check with the club before heading there to play a match to confirm courts are available.
Deborah Standifer gave the Ethics Committee report. Stat letters have gone out to those making stats but may not have played the required 70% matches. This was done to let the player know that they are being watched for possibly working the system. Move down requests need to be presented on the proper form which can be found on the website and sent to Deborah. These should be sent before season starts and not in the middle of a season.
The Susan Briggs Tournament is still up in the air due to COVID. It is the hope of the Committee that the tournament may take place in the fall of 2021.
There are several teams not following the rules regarding no mixed court play; no subs on first court; weather rule, which is the same weather rule as USTA; etc. All Level Coordinators were asked to send an updated Match Day Helper sheet to all captains and ask that the captain send back confirmation that they have read and understand the rules. Annemarie will update the Match Day Helper sheet and email it to all Level Coordinators.
Annemarie adjourned the meeting at 9:58 a.m.