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Fall 2019 Meeting Minutes
The Fall meeting of the LITL was held at Another Broken Egg on August 28th, 2019 at 9:30 AM.
President Tammy Schoel called the meeting to order and had everyone introduce themselves.
She then called on Secretary Tracy Crutchfield to call the roll and all clubs were in attendance
with the exceptions being; Greystone CC, Highland RC, Mountain Brook CC, Pinetree CC,
Trussville RC and Vestavia CC. Tracy then asked for a motion to be made to accept and
approve the minutes from the Spring meeting, the motion was made and seconded and
Tammy then asked Treasurer Pattie Moultrie to give the Treasurer’s report and we have a
current balance of $21,128.17
Deborah Standifer gave the scheduling report and noted all schedules are final. We had one
5.3-5.5 team withdraw due to the death of one of their players, and this will be noted to all
teams at that level as a bye, since the schedules had already gone out. The player-Jan
Underwood of Trussville YMCA -was remembered at this time.
Deborah then gave the Ethics report and brought our attention to all approved Move-downs
and Stat winners. She encouraged all Level Coordinators to be vigilant on checking that all
players who were notified to play at the 1st court position do so. She also noted that match
forfeits are not allowed, and will be penalized with loss of all matches for the current season as
well as having to sit out the next season. This rule was enforced last season for a team found
to have forfeited an entire match.
Tammy then called on Betty Austin to give the Susan Briggs Tournament report. Betty advised
we had 72 attendees and good weather for some fun tennis. The prizes were wine tumblers,
bag tags and specialty cookies. Lunch was enjoyed by all and she urged everyone to help
spread the word for more participation. Some discussion was had about possible date
changes and that will be looked at next year. Betty then brought to our attention an issue with
bank fees incurred by the Susan Briggs account. She asked for a $3,000.00 donation to the
account in order for the account to not incur fees and to proved a cushion for the next
tournament season. A motion was made to provide the donation to the SB tournament, it was
seconded and passed. Deborah and Betty both asked for Scholarship applications for the
Tournament and forms were passed out to all. Pattie Moultrie, noting we had a significant
balance in our account, made a motion to donate $2,000.00 to the SB for additional
scholarship funds. A motion was made, seconded and was passed.
Tammy then called on Heather Morgan of Country Club of Birmingham to make a proposal of
possible play day changes. Heather gave the following options;
move 4.0 to Mondays
3.5 to Wednesdays
2.5 to Thursdays
4.5 to Fridays
Heather explained that she felt these changes would give players for opportunities to
participate in multiple leagues. Much discussion ensued. Any play day changes would have to
be voted on by the teams, and it was decided that the 4.0 teams would be polled first to see if
they agreed with the change of day. A motion was made for this option to be given to those
captains, it was seconded and passed. Tracy Smith, the 4.0 Level Coordinator will handle this
vote and report back to the Board.
Tammy then called on Lavonda Keel to give a LETT report. Lavonda explained how the LETT
program (Learning Excellence Through Tennis) works and asked for volunteers and also
donations of used racquets and tennis bags.
The winners of the Winter and Spring seasons were announced and prizes were given out at
this time. The prizes were stadium blankets for the runners up and an insulated bottle keeper
for the winner. Other prizes given were hats with the LITL logo as well as bottle opener key
Deborah Standifer asked for 2 rule additions/changes to be discussed.
Rule proposal 1. Substitutes may not play at the the First court position. All Subs need to play
at the 2nd or 3rd position and should be listed on the score sheet along with how many times
they have subbed for the team.
Rule proposal 2. Mixed court surface matches (when there will be a combination of court
surfaces used for one match) should be avoided. If there are not 3 courts with the same
surface available-Captains should notify visiting Captain 24 hours in advance. If 24 hour notice
is not given-the home team can be penalized and will have to forfeit a court. In case of in
climate weather-Captains will notify visiting Captains as soon as possible and the Captains will
then decide if other court options are available (Visiting Captains should check for courts at
their facility). Captains must agree on any changes regarding court surfaces. If there are any
issues-contact your Level Coordinator.
Much discussion ensued, but it was agreed that these changes should be made and added to
the rule book. A motion was made to implement these rules-it was seconded and passed.
These changes will take effect immediately and all Captains and Coordinators will be notified
be email prior to the start of the Fall 2019 season.
It was then noted that we will be looking into updating our website and possibly follow
Women’s SoftCourt’s lead and go to a mobile friendly site.
Tammy encouraged all Captains to make sure they are inputting scores in a timely manner and
also confirming them as well.
We then learned Mellissa Gilbert will be stepping down as our VP of prizes and a replacement
is needed to fill this position. Anyone interested should contact Tammy.
Door prizes were then given out and the meeting was adjourned
Respectively submitted,
Tracy Crutchfield
LITL Secretary