LITL Pickleball League
Spring Ethics report
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Minutes of the Spring 2019 LITL meeting
Ladies Interclub Tennis League
Springs General Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2019
President Deborah Standifer called the meeting to order and introduced all Officers and Level
Coordinators as well as the new incoming President Tammy Schoel.
Deborah then asked Susie Harris to address the meeting and give a LETT update. Susie
explained the LETT program and asked for volunteers to assist with after school activities as
well as help with their Spring Challenge which will take place on April 20th at Highland Racquet
Club. She also stated that the program accepts donations of used racquets, and if anyone is
interested in helping in any way please get in contact with her or Lavonda Keel. The question
was raised about making a possible donation to LETT, and Deborah stated that we would make
that determination after the Susan Briggs Tournament
Deborah then called on Secretary Tracy Crutchfield to call the roll and all clubs were in
attendance with the exceptions of the Hoover Country Club and the Levite Jewish Community
Center. Tracy then asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the fall meeting, a
motion was made as well as a second and the minutes were approved.
Annemarie Wilson gave a scheduling report and stated we have 55 teams registered for Spring.
That is down from 57 in the Fall. She also reported that we are quickly winding down the Winter
Season and while there are still some matches to play, we should have that season finished
soon. Spring Season schedules are online and are now final.
Betty Austin then gave the Treasurer’s report for Patti Moultrie, who was unable to attend. Our
ending balance is $19,677.42 and this does not include our Spring registration fees. The entire
balance sheet is available upon request.
Betty then gave the Ethic’s Committee report and Stat Winner’s as well as move-down requests
were discussed. Betty also noted that the rule about teams with consecutive wins being
reviewed to determine whether a move up was needed was somehow omitted from the current
rule books, but would be added back in at the next printing. Betty will be stepping down from
the Ethics committee and Deborah Standifer will now Chair that committee as the Past
Deborah stated that Match Day Helper sheets are up to date and should be given to all
Captains. She also encouraged all Captains to call their Coordinators with any issues before
match play begins. The Sub rule as discussed and Deborah asked that all Coordinators as well
as Captains be aware of the penalties and procedures of this rule.
The Team winners for Fall were then announced and Mellissa Gilbert showed the winner’s and
runner’s up prizes.. The winners received a very nice beach towel and a can of balls while the
runners up received a water bottle and a can of balls.
Deborah then brought up the issue of playing surfaces and a problem that seems to be
occurring with matches being played on 2 different surfaces. This is not directly addressed in
the rule book, but most feel that this is an issue that should be looked at. Deborah said
something would be drafted and sent out the the clubs for review and a possible vote.
The strength of the day rule was also brought up and Deborah reiterated that all Captains
should adhere to playing their strength accordingly.
The Winter League was again a success, even with the extreme rain and cold weather.
Annemarie had a suggestion to look at possibly changing the format to Tri-Level to entice lower
level participation and much discussion ensued. A proposal will be looked at to see if there is
interest in possibly changing to another format. Annemarie also discussed the 5.3-5.5 level and
explained how we came to have these levels and what criteria is looked at to determine this
level of play. She noted that USTA rankings were looked at and again stressed the need for
playing Strength of the day at this very competitive level. It was suggested that a combined
rating system for that level (9.0 USTA combined rating) might be useful and attendees weighed
in on different options. This will be looked at for a possible rule change and would need to be
voted on at later date.
Also at this time Deborah and Annemarie spoke about possibly changing play days for levels
that currently struggle due to other leagues and crowding of courts. This mostly affects the
levels that play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Many options were discussed to encourage
more play and to ease the scheduling issues. Deborah will be looking in to possibly making
some changes and will be seeking advise from the Club Pros as well as the board.
The Susan Briggs Tournament will resume and Sissy Barrett and Meredith Vinson will chair the
tournament with Betty Austin, Annemarie Wilson and Deborah assisting. Possible play dates
were discussed. Most in attendance felt like a late summer date would be good, as well as a
Lead up to the US Open. More information on this will be coming soon.
Deborah then asked if anyone else had any business to discuss, and door prizes were then
given out.
Meeting was adjourned at this time.
Respectively submitted,
Tracy Crutchfield