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Spring 2017 Rep Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2017
Spring LITL Meeting Minutes

9:41 Deborah Call to order the meeting. Prizes will be handed out to captains to be communicated at a later date due to personal circumstances.

Mellissa Gilbert-Roll Call. All Members present except: Country Club of Birmingham, BTA, Hoover Country Club, Mountain Brook Club, & Old Overton.

Annemarie Wilson-Scheduling
Spring League starts March 6th
Bye Week March 26th
Some clubs registering more teams than they have courts for have been worked out with clubs/pros.
LJCC-scheduling Home match @ opponent facility due to religious holiday. Be cooperative with captains over holidays in general.
Sympathetic and cooperative over spring break weeks that are not in our “bye” week.
Scheduling is done by hand and a lot of work goes into making it successful. Conflict sheet used makes it very difficult to get the schedule complete.
Either captain can input scores. This needs to be done asap after match.
If error is inputted, please contact opposing team captain...DO NOT HIT DISPUTE BUTTON.
Use CURRENT season log in, which was sent to captains.
Print out everything for season in the beginning.
If any problem arises, contact an officer, NOT the WEB MASTER.
New player/additions to team, please send to an officer.
Club Affiliation changes, please send to Annemarie Wilson.
Changes/accommodations were allowed for winter season.

Betty Austin-Ethics
Captains were notified of player move up/down.
Based on statistics, captains were notified of players who met the percentage and the rules that apply to their court position. 85% or better move up or must play court 1. If stats are made again, they must move up.
Looking at teams who are making stats, but individuals players staying just under 85% stats.
Growing the league, working on ways to get 2.5’s involved in LITL.
All officers working and communicating with pros at each club to encourage this growth with the new players.
Multi-court League.
Complaints brought up: certain levels are back to back days with Soft Court, USTA etc. Looking at ways to spread this out without compromising numbers in LITL.
Looking at ways to spread out and grow 5.3/5.0 division. Looking into different days. Considering survey to help this process and get input form players/clubs.

Patti Moultrie-Treasury
Doing well in the budget.
Looking at ways to give back through community projects and scholarship applicants.

LITL is an ALL Surface League
FULL 3rd set played for all seasons
Gather Pro email list for each club for LITL distribution list.