August 30th Meeting Minutes
AUGUST 30, 2016
Roll call, all present except lake Cyrus and lifetime
Approval of minutes, approved by Betty Austin, seconded by Pattie Moultrie
Treasury Report: $11,882.36 balance; approved by all
Anna Marie Wilson, scheduling
Schedule is up on website
5.0 division been corrected, tell captain to check schedule again.
Redo 4.0 division due to drop out check schedule and relay to captains
Be aware of Holidays & day care issues and be considerate and open to changes/rescheduling
Do NOT hit dispute key due to keying error, talk and communicate with captain first. They can then relay information with level coordinator to correct.
Real dispute about sportsmanship or scores is acceptable for dispute key.
If you see an error regarding scheduling please contact Anna Marie Wilson
Topic of Discussion: 5.0/5.3 level
5.3/5.0 division issue, win division at 5.0 move up, get beaten badly at 5.3 move down…Need more teams at 5.3 level.
Discuss options...merge 5.0/5.3 and make more divisions? Thinking about options.
Susan Briggs-Deborah
Oct 4-6, 2016. Locations: HRTC, Pinetree, HCC
Play, spread the word, share flyers.
Raises a lot of money
Gives prizes, guarantee 3 matches
TWTH with Friday as a rain day
Promote your business through the tournament, contact Deborah or Anna Marie
Club reps contribute a door prize
Monies raised is given back to community in scholarships
Always looking for fresh ideas for scholarship recipients
Forms were given in SC packets, if you need more let Deborah know.
Betty austin, ethics committee
85% letters were sent out via email, move up down requests
Send betty notice for move down.
if a player makes 85% 2x consecutively they must move up
Officers meeting..N/A
General Information
59 teams this season
Offer winter league now, successful 2016 season. registration date TBA
10:30 start or flex. If weather is good and both captains agree to start at 9:30 may start earlier in winter...communicate with captains.
Spread news about winter league.
Be aware of match completion date to close out the season...get make up matches completed in timely manner. this is Important due to stats, new team forming etc.
level coordinators listed, please check your contact info
Fall/Spring-Matches start at 9:30, please be prompt... Respectful of time. Warm ups don’t start at 9:30
Cell phone rule, beyond emergencies, sick child etc. must be on silent.
Play is continuous, friendly reminder phones aren't supposed to be out during match and change overs. If player is on the phone during change overs, time allowed is still enforced,
non playing people are not allowed on court during match, follow USTA rules
LITL is trying to cut down on travel for convenience. Creating East/West division. By encouraging more teams to participate overall, this can aid in less travel for all. Please encourage clubs to form teams.
Old business n/a
New business
Winter winners: awards: seat cover, warming mitt
Spring: awards: cooler, frog tog
Door Prize Winners: Congratulations! Thanks for coming!
Pam Shumate
Kim Duncan
Linda Weaver
Suzanne Davis
Alicia Myers
Cam Martin
Carla Cole
Tammy Schoal
Leigh Howard